Lori as On Air Expert

Lori L. Tharps has appeared on numerous television shows, radio programs, podcasts, and documentary films providing expert commentary on topics including Black hair history and culture, global colorism, multicultural parenting and family dynamics, and identity politics in pop culture. Some of the broadcast outlets she has appeared on include, The Today Show, CBS Sunday Morning, The Tyra Banks Show, All Things Considered, and BET.com.


The Hidden Cost of Black Hair

In 2021, The Economist produced this mini-doc to answer the question: “What is the true cost of having Black hair?” Lori L. Tharps appeared as one of the key experts throughout the documentary. Available to watch on the Economist website and on YouTube.


Same Family, Different Colors: Talking Colorism in the Family

Lori L. Tharps was the featured expert in this 2021 discussion hosted by EmbraceRace.org that explored the issues of colorism that can impact parenting and family life. The video can be viewed here.


Back to Natural Documentary Film

Lori L. Tharps is one of the featured experts in this award-winning, full-length documentary film chronicling the history of the Natural Hair movement in the United States, Euope and Africa.